Every Voice - Maine

Est 2020

Every Voice Maine was founded during the 2020 Next Generation Leaders Fellowship. LD1727: An Act Concerning Sexual Misconduct on College Campuses was officially filed in 2020 by lead sponsor Senate President Troy Jackson. On May 5th, 2022, Governor Mills signed LD1727, making Maine the SIXTH state in the country to pass an Every Voice Law. With profound support from our lead sponsor, Senate President Troy Jackson, and two years of relentless student- and survivor-led advocacy from the Every Voice Maine team, our law passed with widespread, bipartisan support.

On May 5, 2022 Governor Janet Mills signed an "LD1727: An Act Concerning Sexual Misconduct on College Campuses" into law— CHAPTER 733.

What does the Maine Every Voice Law do?

The Every Voice ME Law (Ch. 733) enacts comprehensive measures to combat sexual violence and support survivors at all Institutions of Higher Education in Maine. Specifically, the law:

  1. Enacts the development of a campus climate survey to be administered biannually to all Maine students to collect data on campus sexual violence and establishes clear and transparent data reporting requirements for all institutions

  2. Requires all institutions to enter into a partnership with an organization that provides sexual violence services to ensure access to free counseling, advocacy services and health care for all students and employees

  3. Requires the designation of a confidential advocate on each campus who may inform parties on options for reporting, available services, and resources and who can assist in coordinating supportive measures

  4. Ensures amnesty protection for reporting parties who violate school code of conduct at the time of the assault(s)

  5. Requires robust, annual best practice prevention and awareness training for all students and employees of an institution

Maine Team Leaders

Lotte (she/her), co-State DirectorBowdoin, Class of 2022

Lotte (she/her), co-State Director

India (she/her), co-State DirectorBates, Class of 2023

India (she/her), co-State Director

Learn more about the Maine team and follow their movement:



“No one, let alone a college student, should have to worry about sexual violence. However, the truth is that sexual assault is an all too common occurrence on college campuses. All you have to do is look at the data on sexual violence, listen to the stories of survivors or talk to any college student. It represents an ugly stain on our education system. I want to thank all of the students who partnered with me on this legislation as well as the students who bravely shared their experiences with the committee today. I’m in awe of their drive and commitment to make things better for their peers and the students who follow in their footsteps. We owe it to them to make sure that Maine college campuses offer a safe environment to learn and prepare for the workforce.”

Maine Senate President Troy Jackson

 Maine Making News

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