Every Voice Nevada Bill to Combat Campus Sexual Violence Signed into Law by Governor Sisolak
Groundbreaking student-written bill to address campus sexual violence on Nevada campuses passed into law after a year of advocacy
Carson City, NV: On Tuesday, June 9th, after a year of student-led advocacy and community collaborations, Nevada bill SB347 Revises provisions governing sexual misconduct in institutions of the Nevada System of Higher Education was signed into law by Governor Sisolak after passing the legislature on Monday, May 31st.
Over the past year, students from universities across Nevada -- including University of Nevada Reno, University of Nevada Las Vegas, Nevada State College, University of Southern Nevada and more -- came together to build a student-led, survivor-centered grassroots movement advocating for the passage of SB347. SB347 was written by Nevada students in collaboration with Lead Sponsor Senator Melanie Scheible and many advocacy organizations including the Nevada Coalition to End Domestic and Sexual Violence, National Women’s Law Center, Know Your IX and Equal Right Advocates and received support from the Nevada System of Higher Education and countless legislators including joint sponsors Assemblywoman Selena Torres and Assemblyman Edgar Flores.
The Every Voice Nevada Bill will enact comprehensive measures to combat sexual violence and support survivors studying at Nevada institutions of higher education. Specifically, the legislation:
Enacts the development of a campus climate survey to be administered biannually to all Nevada students to collect data on campus sexual violence and establishes clear and transparent data reporting requirements for all institutions
Requires all institutions to enter into a partnership with an organization that provides sexual violence services to ensure access to free counseling, advocacy services and health care for all students and employees
Requires the designation of a confidential advocate on each campus who may inform parties on options for reporting, available services, and resources and who can assist in coordinating supportive measures
Ensures anti-retaliation and amnesty protection for reporting parties who violate school code of conduct at the time of the assault(s) and establishes anonymity protections for reporting parties if requested
Requires robust, best practice prevention and awareness training for all students and employees of an institution
Every Voice Nevada was proud to work with Assemblyman Flores and advocates to include a provision in SB347 to extend the Nevada Millennium Scholarship to all graduates of Nevada high schools regardless of residency status. In totality, SB347’s groundbreaking measures ensure more accessible, safe, and supportive learning environments for all Nevada students in institutions of higher education.
Words of Support
“As a survivor and a student, this bill and this movement are extremely important to me,” said Indigo Hinojos, a student at the University of Nevada, Reno and Nevada State Director for the Every Voice Coalition. “Having seen the lack of support and protections for student survivors on my own campus, I knew that this piece of legislation would help to not only protect, but also uplift the voices of students and survivors. Being a part of the Every Voice community, I have been able to see how powerful and crucial the voices of students are to the legislative process. As our movement continues to move throughout the country, we will continue to uplift and center student and survivor voices.
“Being a female student leader and survivor, having this bill in place demonstrates the shift and change in the discourse surrounding sexual assault on college campuses,” said Kate Torres a student at the University of Nevada, Reno and Steering Committee Member for the Every Voice Coalition. “Student survivors know that with the passing of this bill that they are supported, loved, and will have a community that has their back, helping implement protections and resources that every survivor deserves and needs. As young adults and students, often we feel as if we cannot make a change in our community. This grassroots movement shows that we can, and we will continue to advocate for the safety of our peers and for their voices to be heard. “
“Empowering survivors of sexual violence to access care, continue their studies, and heal on their own terms is crucial in the fight for equality,” said Lead Sponsor Senator Melanie Scheible, “With the passage of SB347, every person on every college campus in Nevada will be better equipped to prevent, respond to, and reduce sexual violence in our schools and our broader communities.”
“It has been truly awe-inspiring to see the passion, drive, and dedication of the students who led and advocated for this important piece of legislation. We know how isolating, and traumatizing victim-survivors can feel when seeking services and support. SB347 will ensure that campuses and schools are equipped with the resources to appropriately respond to victim-survivors' needs and ensure that they cannot only stay in school but also succeed,” said Serena Evans, Policy Coordinator for the Nevada Coalition to End Domestic and Sexual Violence. “At the Nevada Coalition to End Domestic and Sexual Violence, we are excited to work with the Every Voice Coalition and the Nevada System of Higher Education to implement this bill on every campus to ensure victim-survivors are met with respect and connected to resources. Senate Bill 347 is a great step for Nevada in preventing and responding to the campus sexual assault epidemic.”
“These changes are essential to ensure that no survivor is denied access to education following violence. Currently, 15 percent of survivors who report to their schools are threatened with or face punishment for coming forward. SB347’s protection for survivors from retaliation and punishment will make campuses more safe, and ensure survivors can get the help they need to thrive in school and beyond.” said Sage Carson, Manager of Know Your IX, a Project of Advocates for Youth. “We are so grateful to continue to work with the Every Voice Coalition to pass legislation that will make a lasting impact on the lives of student survivors. Because the cost of an education should never include sexual violence.”
The Every Voice Coalition (www.everyvoicecoalition.org) is an entirely student and survivor-led organization working to pass student and survivor-written, survivor-centered legislation on the state level to prevent campus sexual violence and support survivors Today, Every Voice bills have been passed in five states: New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Illinois, Nevada, and Connecticut. The Coalition is currently working in 12 states.
Bella T Fong | bfong@everyvoicecoalition.org